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What are back pain causes?

Among the most common causes of back pain are poor sitting posture, bad lifestyle, frequent forward bending and lifting heavy items. Typically, people who work in an environment that involves sitting for longer duration experience this kind of mechanical back pain problem. Though it is not a serious condition, it can be quite uncomfortable to experience constant ache or pain in the back. Back pain becomes a regular condition in elderly people. Women are also vulnerable to back pain both during and post pregnancy.

Some of the most common conditions which lead to back pain are:

Why should you opt for physiotherapy as the treatment for back pain?

If you have been suffering from back pain for some time and the pain is refusing to go, it could be the right time to consult with an expert physiotherapist from HCAH. Physiotherapy can prove to be the most beneficial in treating various kinds of back pains in comparison to surgery or other options like painkillers or pain relief sprays. Physiotherapy treatment provided by a well-qualified and trained physiotherapist is known to have provided immense relief to people who were earlier known to constantly suffer from:

Non-specific lower back pain: A condition under which no specific cause is known to be causing the pain in the back.

Sciatica pain: A pain that spreads from the lower back and travels all the way down to your legs.

Spinal stenosis: A condition in which the space around your spinal cord narrows, causing pressure on your spinal cord.

Degenerative disc disease: Caused due to the ageing of the discs in your spine.