+91-7398499299 82/2/7 new Patel Nagar ,Kanpur,up- 208007

Physiotherapy For Knee Pain

Physiotherapy For Knee Pain Management

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is one of the leading causes of knee pain. Patients feel pain or stiffness in the joints and experience reduced function due to degeneration of the cartilage. Physiotherapists assess patients suffering from chronic or age-related knee pain and then plan treatment accordingly, focussed upon improving flexibility, reducing pain, improving strength and weight management that helps in enhancing the quality of life.



If you have one or more of the knee pain symptoms given below, then it is time to consult a doctor.

Swelling and stiffness in the joints................................................

Constant pain..................................

Sharp, shooting pain when the knee is in use..........................

Popping or crunching noises while sitting or getting up...........................................

Inability to straighten, bend or flex the knees..............................................................................

Weakness or instability in the knees..........................................

Deformity around the joints..........................................

Knee pain that occurs at night or while resting...............................................

Knee pain that persists beyond a few days..................................................

Any other unusual symptom that is making it difficult to walk, bend or do any other physical activity