+91-7398499299 82/2/7 new Patel Nagar ,Kanpur,up- 208007

Physiotherapy for Neck pain

How is the neck structured?

There are seven vertebrae in the neck which form a part of the spine. These surround the spinal cord and canal. Between these vertebrae are discs, and the nerves of the neck. Other structures present within the neck include the skin, neck muscles, arteries, veins, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, esophagus, larynx, and trachea. Any illness or medical conditions that affect any of these tissues of the neck can lead to neck pain.

Common signs and symptoms of neck pain The symptoms of neck pain can vary from person to person ranging from mild discomfort to excruciating pain that prevents a person from making any movement. Some of the common symptoms that are associated with neck pain are as follows:

Stiffness in the neck causing soreness and difficulty to move the neck, especially when trying to turn the head from side to side.

Sharp excruciating pain localized to one spot, which might feel like a stabbing or stinging sensation. This type of pain generally occurs in the lower areas of the neck.

Feeling pain in mostly one area of the neck, described as tender or achy but not sharp.

Radiating pain that feels like a burning or searing sensation, moving along a nerve from the neck into the shoulders and arms. The intensity of pain can vary from mild to an unbearable painful sensation.

A tingling, numb, or weak sensation that goes beyond the neck and radiate into the shoulder, arm or finger. Patients might describe this as a “pins-and-needles” sensation. This pain from the neck area can only be felt in one arm, not both..

Having difficulty in picking or gripping objects due to tingling, numbness, or weakness in the fingers.

Headache caused due to an irritation in the neck, often known as a tension headache. This type of pain results from tightening of the neck muscles when a pinched occipital nerve in the neck causes pain to radiate up into the head’s sides and scalp.