+91-7398499299 82/2/7 new Patel Nagar ,Kanpur,up- 208007

Stroke Rehabilitation at HOME
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What is a stroke?

A ‘brain attack’, or a stroke occurs when blood supply to brain cells is disrupted, depriving them of oxygen and nutrients which leads to their rapid disintegration. As brain cells begin to die, functions performed by the affected area such as muscle control, movement of arms, legs, etc. are lost. Look for signs such as trouble in speaking and understanding, paralysis and numbness, blurred or blackened vision, headache, dizziness, vomiting, altered consciousness and seek

What causes a stroke?

A stroke can be caused either by a blocked artery, as in the case of ischemic stroke, or due to the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel during a hemorrhagic stroke. Certain lifestyle and medical risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, consumption of alcohol, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes, etc. increase the chances of causing a stroke. People who are 55 and older are at a higher risk and so are those who have a personal or family history of stroke.

Types of stroke

As a particular treatment is suitable for a certain type of stroke, diagnosing the cause quickly reduces the amount of damage done to the brain. Types of strokes include:

Ischemic stroke These occur when an artery is either blocked or becomes too narrow leading to the formation of clots. Treatment includes administrating tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) directly into an artery of the brain to dissolve the clot or the use of a catheter to remove the clot physically.

Hemorrhagic stroke These are caused when blood leaks into the brain which in turn creates pressure. Treatment is focused on controlling the overall pressure of blood and to prevent any sudden constrictions of blood vessels.

How to prevent a stroke? >>

Addressing the underlying causes provides the best shot at reducing the chances of a stroke. Additionally, cCertain lifestyle changes that can help are:

Having a healthy
& nutritious diet

Maintaining a
healthy weight

Doing regular
physical activitiesy

Avoiding alcohol
and tobacco

Other medical factors such as keeping diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol under control can also reduce the risk of stroke.

Physiotherapy for stroke

If the stroke affects that area of the brain which controls muscle movement, then a person may experience symptoms such as muscle spasms, balance problems, and joint pain . Regular physiotherapy sessions conducted early in a patient’s journey will help in restoring mobility, improving health, managing pain and instilling confidence in the patient to remain active and involved in everyday activities. Treatments include exercises such as stretching, walking, manual therapy to massage joints and assistive device training.

With you, when you need us the most

Restore physical
Treat problems of movement,
balance and coordination
Assistance in activities
of daily living
Assistance in
Regain communication and
swallowing problems
Education for stroke survivors and family caregivers at home

We Ensure High quality Of Care With

Specialised care plan
Online assessment forms and digital record
Home visit reports
Daily treatment monitoring
Weekly audits by Head Physiotherapist
Monthly on-site audits

Our packages

Post Acute stroke treatment at Hospital ICU, hospital-like monitoring and treatment are handled by our home-based step-down package. Stroke survivors are then moved to recovery package. We provide goal-oriented specialised services for optimal recovery at home. Patients are finally moved to assistance package to help improve and maintain independence in activities of daily living.

Mrs. Swarn Tendon
Stroke Patient

My ischemic stroke attack had left me in a bedridden state. I was gradually losing my strength to fight it with the long hospital stays and just surviving somehow on tubes. HealthCare atHOME not only sped up my recovery, but ensured I did so around my loved ones.

Proven benefits for patients

Upto 50% of savings as compared to Hospital/Nursing rehabilitation centres

Quick progression on functional abilities and independence

Minimise re-admissions to Hospitals

24X7 clinical supervision and e-reports for doctors

One-stop shop for home stroke rehabilitation care

Well-trained stroke professionals

How we work?


Effectiveness of physiotherapy for Stroke Patients
Stroke patients often incur massive damage to their brain cells. They lose their ability to perform various functions on their own. Physiotherapy for stroke is one of the most effective cures...View More
Nursing care for a Stroke Survivor
Depression, anxiety, communication problem, paralysis, memory loss, tiredness are some of the alterations in stroke patients,depending upon the part of the brain which is injured. Rehabilitation nursing provides all forms of medical, emotional and physical care to these patients....View More
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