+91-7398499299 82/2/7 new Patel Nagar ,Kanpur,up- 208007

Physiotherapy For Paralysis

What is Paralysis?

Paralysis is a medical condition that is often caused by the damage in the nervous system, especially in the spinal cord. A person with paralysis experiences motor loss (loss of muscle function) and sensory loss (loss of sensations in the affected part). But with physiotherapy one can regain and retain the body’s natural strength.

Types of paralysis

Hemiplegia If paralysis affects one side of the body. It is known as hemiplegia

Diplegia If paralysis affects both sides of the body. It is known as diplegia

Monoplegia If paralysis is restricted to one limb or region of the body

Paraplegia If paralysis affects the lower half of the body

Quadriplegia If paralysis results in the partial or total loss of use of all the limbs & torso. It is also known as tetraplegia

Causes of Paralysis

Though paralysis can be caused due to various reasons, the most common reasons are:


Cerebral palsy

Multiple sclerosis

Spina Bifida

Brain tumor